Thursday, November 26, 2020

 Quinn's year 4 link On Tuesday the year 4's came into the HUB and the year 5's presented the silide

Monday, November 9, 2020

My koru

 Last week Ms M came to the HUB. My group made Koru out of leave,rock,sand,snail shells and flowers, I don't have any photos to show you but if I did have some I would put them on here. Matilda Holly and me made alot of Koru but we had to take photos on the ipad and then send them to Ms M and she would look at them after school. It was a cloudly and a bit windy, the rocks dirty and cold the leaves were crumbly and easy to break. The sand was wet and the snail shells were holy but the flowers were pink and beautiful. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

What confident is and what is not.

 we have been learning about confidants and we have been watching  Bryan and bobby youtube videos 

what confidants is....... being an upstander, being your self and helping others 

what confidants is not.....  not telling author people your ideas and not telling the teacher your probable.